By God’s grace, Western Theological Seminary forms women and men for faithful Christian ministry and participation in the Triune God’s ongoing redemptive work in the world.
IDENTITY: Western Theological Seminary (WTS) is an evangelical and ecumenical community of faith and learning in the Reformed tradition that serves the church of Jesus Christ. Over 350 students are enrolled in distance learning and in-residence programs at WTS. Our degree programs include Doctor of Ministry, Master of Divinity, Master of Theology, and Master of Arts. We also offer a range of courses for certification in specific ministry areas, and many are taught in Spanish.
“Western’s long partnership with Christ Memorial Church has proven a tremendous blessing to Christ’s people here in Holland and around the world. We cherish this close relationship and look forward to serving God together for many years to come. Please keep our students and faculty in your prayers.” – Richard Capotosto, Associate Director of Advancement
Website address: https://www.westernsem.edu/
If you would like more information about becoming involved with this ministry please contact Deanna Oonk, Christ Memorial Church Ministry Coordinator.