This page is a full resource of all the announcements listed in the bulletin and e-news so you don’t miss a thing! You may receive more information regarding specific classes pertaining to children, youth & adults if you go to their respective web pages.
HAND2HAND: There is an urgent need for help with delivering food bags to the area schools on Wednesday mornings. It does not have to be a weekly commitment but could be on a rotating basis. Contact Cindy Bosman (616-403-7915) if you are interested.
PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE NEED FOR OCTOBER: canned fruit & boxed cereal. Drop these items in the basket in the collection center in the mixing area.
WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY, Sunday, October 6. In order to more fully experience the joy of forgiveness and reconciliation with our Lord, let us reflect on our words, thoughts and actions that are not aligned with a Christ-filled life. Having examined ourselves, be encouraged that our gracious God forgives us our sin, strengthens us by the Holy Spirit, and will keep us in life eternal, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT SUPPER: 5-6pm, in the Gathering Place. Wednesday October 9: chili and chicken noodle soup.
SAVE THE DATE! Wednesday, October 30th is our annual Harvest Party including a chili cook off, Trick-or-Treat, and children’s activities! Stay tuned for more details.
GATHERING PLACE WORSHIP SUNDAY: Due to the setup for the youth banquet that evening (Oct. 6), there will be some “unset” tables available near the stage that will be available for those who choose that as their worship venue.
OFFERING PLATES RETURNING: Sunday, October 20, will see the return of offerings being received through the passing of offering plates. If you are interested in serving as an offering collector during our services, please contact Beth Smith at
WATCH OUR 9:30AM CLASSIC WORSHIP SERVICES on TV on Wednesdays at 3pm, Saturdays at 8am, and Sundays at 5:30pm on Holland
Public Channel (Comcast 24-916 and AT&T U-verse 99). You can watch
both services live via Facebook every Sunday or online at any time here online.
LARGE PRINT SONG SHEETS AND BIBLES, AND SPANISH AND ENGLISH BIBLES are available at the info center in the lobby. También tenemos disponibles Biblias en Español en el centro de info.
SOCKS & UNDERWEAR DRIVE: Life is tough on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. To make things a bit easier, new socks and underwear (all types and sizes) are being collected to be distributed by Re-Member, CMC’s on-site mission contact. Place your donations in the Collection Basket in the mixing area by Thursday, October 31. Warm feet and clean undies for Lakota families will be a huge gift from CMC this winter! Find more info at a table in the mixing area or contact Jeannie Slenk (616-218-5727).
HAPPY TOWN CHRISTIAN TRAVELERS upcoming trips: Thursday, October 10-West Michigan Shoreline Jewels, $115 cost (only 6 spots left); Tuesday, November 19, “Songs of the Season” at Shipshewana, $165 cost. Find registration forms with more info at the Info Center.
MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH REGISTRATION: Visit the youth page and register your student(s) for fall programming on Wednesday and Sunday evenings. More details may also be found there.
CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN LIFE ISSUES (CCLI) meets weekly on Sundays in the Chapel, 10:50-11:50am. This Sunday, October 6: Serving God by Being His Hands and Feet presented by Tracy Brower, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Hungry for Christ, a food distribution ministry in Hamilton. The full line-up of speakers for the fall session can be found at the Discipleship Kiosk.
POTTER’S CLAY BIBLE STUDY: Sundays, 10:45-11:45am (Room 169). Led by Deb Skirnski and Rhonda Wiley, this fall the group will study several Old and New Testament passages with a focus on the resurrection and living as people of our risen Lord. Come when you can and allow your life to be molded by God’s Word. Feel free to just show up!
ThuMBS – Thursday Men’s Bible Study meets from 7:07-8:27am in the Green Room, just inside Entrance D. The group is currently studying Isaiah using the NavPress LifeChange Bible study guide. For more information, contact Stephen by phone or text at 513-289-5295. New people are always welcome to join or visit at any time!
WOMEN MAY STILL JOIN our Wednesday Morning WOW offerings, Agape Circle, or Faithfulness Circle. Stop by the discipleship kiosk for more information on Opportunities for Women.
INFORMATION on fall adult discipleship opportunities can be found at the Discipleship Kiosk or HERE.
Contact Lori with questions (or call 616-796-3361).
AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE: A limited number of Immerse Kingdoms Bibles are available for purchase on Sunday mornings at the Info Center or in the office Monday – Thursday, 9-3pm. Cost is $10 (due on receipt). The books are being sold on a first come, first serve basis only.
RECYCLE YOUR PAPER AT OUR PAPERGATOR conveniently located in the southwest corner of Christ Memorial’s main parking lot (near the shed). What can go in the bin? Pick up the PaperGator informational postcard available at the Discipleship Kiosk for a list of accepted materials.