
(Updated Monday, January 13)

MISSION STATEMENT CHECK-IN: The Transition Team and Consistory are asking for your input in selecting a new mission statement. We pray this will be a fresh expression of God’s unique purpose for Christ Memorial Church. Please plan on participating in a Congregational Check-In Opportunity as part of your small group OR in one of two open meetings scheduled for Sunday, January 19 at 10:50am and Wednesday, January 22 at 6pm. Feedback forms are also available at the Welcome Center.

CARE PASTOR SEARCH: Please pray for the CMC Care Pastor Search process. The field has been narrowed to two candidates and will be meeting our Staff Leadership Team, having second interviews with the Care & Connections Team and Congregational Care Elders, as well as the Search Committee.

CMC MONTHLY PRAYER EVENT: The CMC Prayer Ministry Team invites all to the chapel on this Thursday, January 16, at 6:30pm. There will be times of adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication for each other, friends, family, CMC, our city, our nation, and the world. There will be times for silent prayer, responsive prayer, and individual prayer.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT SUPPERS from 5 to 6pm in the Gathering Area. Menu: Chicken Tenders and Tator Tots.


GRIEVING OVER THE LOSS OF SOMEONE CLOSE TO YOU? YOU CAN STILL JOIN GRIEFSHARE. In a GriefShare group, you’ll find a warm and caring environment offering you support and encouragement as you journey through your grief. GriefShare meets on Mondays through March 31, 6:30-8:30pm (Room 169). Brochures are available at the Care Kiosk. For more information, contact Lori. You can just show up!

CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN LIFE ISSUES (CCLI): Sunday, January 19 (10:50-11:50am) with “Normalizing Neurodiversity” presented by Victoria White, Program Director, With Ministries; THRIVE Program Director, The King’s Table Ministries; M.A. in Special Education, Inclusion Specialist (Calvin University). The full line-up of speakers for the winter session can be found at the Discipleship kiosk. If you would like to receive the weekly simulcast link by email contact Lori.

JESUS ENCOUNTERS – JOIN ANYTIME! All are invited to come and be encouraged as a personal story of an encounter with Jesus is shared each Sunday, 10:45-11:45am in the Prayer Room. Facilitated by Scott Cramer. For more information or to schedule a time to share, contact Scott ( or 616-836-3390).

THE CHOSEN – SEASON ONE, WEEKLY WATCH PARTY BEGINS THIS WEDNESDAY, January 15-March 12, 6-7:30pm, Room 167. This historical drama is based on the life of Jesus sharing an authentic and intimate look at Jesus’ revolutionary life and teachings. After each episode there will be an informal time of discussion led by Pastor Suzanne. You can just show up for the Watch Party – attend when you can!

A NEW “IMMERSE: PROPHETS” DISCUSSION GROUP FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN begins soon: Meeting weekly, Tuesdays, January 21-March 11, 10-11am in the Green Room, just inside Entrance D. More information and a sign-up sheet are at the Discipleship Kiosk. Contact Lori with questions.

THE PRACTICING THE WAY COURSE will help you follow the practices and rhythms Jesus and his earliest followers lived by. Join us as we grow in living as an apprentice of Jesus: Meeting weekly on Sundays through March 2, 10:45am. Contact Lynn.

THE MARRIAGE COURSE is for all couples looking to invest in building a better, stronger marriage. Wednesdays, January 8-February 19, 6- 7:30pm, Room 165. Learn practical tools to deepen your connection and keep the spark alive. Each week there will also be time for one-onone conversations as a couple. Led by Rick and Becca Dernberger. There is still room for you to join this course.  For more information contact Lynn.

DOORS OF HOPE FOOD PANTRY NEEDS: The pantry shelves are running low so please consider donating items that appear on a list that can be found at the Info Center. Deposit the items in the grocery cart near the Collection Center in the Mixing Area.

PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE: For the month of January. we are collecting pasta, Alfredo sauce, and rice for the food pantry. Bring items to the Collection Center in the Mixing Area.

HAND2HAND COLLECTION ITEMS: We are collecting granola bars for the month of January. Bring them to the Collection Center in the Mixing Area

This page is a full resource of all the announcements listed in the bulletin and e-news so you don’t miss a thing! You may receive more information regarding specific classes pertaining to children, youth & adults if you go to their respective web pages.