Kardelen Mercy Teams Ministry (KMT) provides physical therapy and mobility for disabled children as well as training of family members.
Kardelen Mercy Teams Ministry (KMT) has an extraordinary opportunity to touch the lives of children with disabilities in Turkey right in their homes. KMT assists n their physical, emotional, and spiritual care and the team of Turkish staff and volunteers provide physical therapy and mobility for disabled children. They also provide training of family members so that they are equipped to provide some or all of the essential care for their own children.
Although the teams mainly serve Turkish children with disabilities in their homes, they also serve some refugee children and their families through the Streams of Mercy Center in Ankara. Thousands of refugees have fled to Turkey in recent years and families who have brought children with disabilities across the border are in desperate need of food, housing, winter resources, and love. KMT provides for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of some of these families and their children.
It is in part through CMC’s partnership with Kardelen Mercy Teams that they can ensure that these children and their families experience the love of Christ in their everyday lives.
Contact Information:
Local Contact: Nancy Cook
Kardelen Mercy Teams Ministry
4215 Tierra Rejada Rd #191
Moorpark CA 93021
Website: http://www.kardelenmercyteams.org/