Thursday Men’s Bible Study (ThuMBS)


Thursday mornings, 7:07-8:27am
Meets year-round
Facilitator:  Stephen McCarthy
Green Room just inside Entrance D

We are all ThuMBS – Thursday Men’s Bible Study! The timing is designed to provide a mid-week boost to your spiritual life. The study is designed to minimize preparation time – you might call it Lite-Prep! The group is designed to include aspects of thinking, loving, and serving. The class is designed for members, non-members, and friends, regardless of age. The atmosphere is designed for those who travel and can study away and join the group when they are in town. The group is currently studying Isaiah using the NavPress LifeChange Bible study guide. For more information, contact Stephen by phone or text at 513-289-5295 or email Stephen McCarthy. New people are always welcome to join or visit at any time!


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