On October 1, 1964, Reverend Royal D. Kemper was installed as the second pastor of Christ Memorial Reformed Church and served until 1970.
In 1967 plans were developed to build a new sanctuary to be connected to the educational building to accommodate 675 to 750 worshipers. The design called for making a strong theological statement with an arc over the seating area converging on the pulpit, illustrating the centrality of the Word of God. The pulpit was affectionately known as the “pickle barrel” since its design resembled one. The communion room was slightly elevated above the nave and placed behind the pulpit. It was open and accessible to all worshipers and at all times to remind the congregation of the free access one has to God through the mediation of Jesus Christ. The congregation would gather around the communion table with extensions accommodating 140 communicants. The choir was situated in the midst of the people toward the back of the sanctuary. The church’s spire rose 50 feet above the building.
The new sanctuary was consecrated on October 13, 1968, “To the Glory of God.” The congregation included 185 families and 700 members with six staff members and 31 choir members. The church also supported four missionaries. The first pictorial directory was published on November 8, 1970.
During the planning for the new sanctuary, the consistory approved paving the parking lot at an estimated cost of $28,000 even though it was not part of the original bond offering. The church received a call from an elderly lady, not a member of the church, who asked if the church was still selling notes. When she was advised the notes had been fully subscribed, she asked to meet with one of the church members at her home. At that meeting she presented shoe boxes full of $20 bills totaling $18,000. She did not trust banks and did not want her children to know she had this money. While she did not trust banks, she did trust the church.



Early Beginnings

Montello Park School 1957

The First Pastor

The First Sanctuary

Significant Growth

Rev. Mulder Returns

Rev. Timothy Brown

A New Sanctuary

A Time of Transition