Journey on with Hope – Widow/Widower Support Group


“When you hope, be joyful. When you suffer, be patient. When you pray, be faithful” (Romans 12:12)

Meets socially once a month
Coordinator: Heidi Gilcrest

Providing continued and ongoing support in a group setting for widow/widowers during, through, and beyond their grief. The group gets together socially once a month. For more information including monthly date, time, and location, contact Heidi.

The Chosen – Season Two, Weekly Watch Party

The Chosen – Season Two, Weekly Watch Party

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Gospel-Centered Parenting

Gospel-Centered Parenting

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Jesus Encounters

Jesus Encounters

Sunday mornings, 10:45-11:45am Meets weekly through March 30, attend when you can! Facilitator: Scott Cramer Prayer Room off the Fireside...
Hope Explored

Hope Explored

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Thursday Prayer for Men

Thursday Prayer for Men

Thursday mornings, 11am-Noon Meets year-round, except for holidays Contact: Ron Wolthuis Prayer Room off the Fireside Café Come and join...