Prayer Groups


Why is prayer important? The simple answer is . . . we can’t do it on our own. Woven throughout the Bible from the times of Adam and Eve to the New Testament apostles, we find an invitation to be in relationship with God. Prayer is not only a conversation with God, but it is communion with God.

Along with entering into the presence of God through prayer, we also have God’s full and loving attention. We have open access to the ear of God, and this is critically important in our life of faith. God desires us to spend time in prayer. We ask for guidance, and God delivers the answer. It is taking the time to know God and to be renewed in God’s divine presence. God’s Holy Spirit moves in, around, and through us in response to our prayers. Prayer is a means of growing in faith and dependence on God and learning to trust in God’s answers and provisions.

Knowing the importance and value of prayer and realizing that a variety of days and times makes it possible and easier for people to participate, we offer numerous opportunities for you to join with others in prayer. You’ll find a list of those opportunities below.

For more information, contact Lori or 796-3361.

Women Praying on Mondays
Monday mornings, 11:15am-12:15pm
Meets year-round, except for holidays
Contact: Marylin Bright
Prayer Room off the Fireside Café

Women, you are invited to grow in your relationship with God through prayer. Please come and join us as we gather together to pray, share, and care for each other. Each time begins with a brief reflection on prayer, and then most of the time is spent simply praying together. Attend when you can!

Moms / Grandmothers in Prayer
Tuesday mornings, 10-11am
Meets January – April (meeting via Zoom in January; onsite at CMC beginning February 4)
Contact: Linda Aalderink
Room 160-161 in the adult wing

God’s power is unleashed through our prayers! We live in a culture that seeks to blind our children to the reality of God’s love for them. Praying with other moms for our children and schools breaks through these barriers, impacting them for Christ. Start or find a local Moms in Prayer group by calling/texting Linda Aalderink at 836-9256.

Tuesday Morning Prayer – Praying for Your Business or Workplace
Tuesday mornings, 8-9am
Meets year-round, except for holidays
Facilitators:  Mari Martin, Gary Veurink
Contact:  Doris VanKooten
Virtual group via Zoom

Everyone’s time is precious! This Tuesday morning time of prayer is designed for busy people in the workforce whose schedules are constrained and who may not have an hour to join one of the other times of prayer at Christ Memorial. This group of men and women meets together virtually via Zoom because of its convenience for people to join without having to be physically present. A Zoom invitation link is sent out weekly to workplace leaders and business owners. Email Doris VanKooten to have your name added to the Zoom link list. If you are unable to attend the 8am Zoom call but have a specific prayer request you can also send those requests to Doris VanKooten (note “Mari and Gary’s Prayer Group” in the subject line), and your request will be prayed for.

Women Praying on Wednesdays
Wednesday nights, 4:15-5:15pm
Meets year-round, except for holidays
Contacts: Barb Kiekintveld, Sherrie Wolthuis
Prayer Room off the Fireside Café

Prayer is an important way we connect with God and each other. Each week we spend time in praise, confession, thanksgiving, and intercession. Our aim is to keep our prayers honest and simple as we pray for the needs of our families, church, nation, and world. New people are welcome to join us at any time.

Thursday Prayer for Men
Thursday mornings, 11am-Noon
Meets year-round, except for holidays
Contact: Ron Wolthuis
Prayer Room off the Fireside Café

Come and join us as we learn and grow in praying together! We spend time each week in praise, confession, thanksgiving, and intercession. While our main focus is our church, our church family, and our own families, we also pray for God’s work in our community, nation, and world. Even if you have never prayed in a group before, you are welcome and encouraged to join us!


The Chosen – Season One, Weekly Watch Party

The Chosen – Season One, Weekly Watch Party

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Practicing the Way

Practicing the Way

Sunday mornings, 10:45-11:45 (Noon) Meeting January 12 - March 2 Facilitator: Lynn White In the adult wing, room to be...
Gospel-Centered Parenting

Gospel-Centered Parenting

Sunday mornings, 10:45-11:45am Meeting March 9 - May 18 (not meeting April 20, Easter or May 11, Mother’s Day) Leader:...
Jesus Encounters

Jesus Encounters

Sunday mornings, 10:45-11:45am Begins January 5 Facilitator: Scott Cramer Prayer Room off the Fireside Café All are invited to come...