P.A.U.L. (Prisoners, Abandoned, Unloved and Lonely)


The mission of P.A.U.L Ministry (Prisoners. Abandoned. Unloved. Lonely.) is to help transform the lives of men and women behind bars by keeping families and our community close to them during times of incarceration. Our community can give them a second chance and help them find true freedom in Christ


P.A.U.L Assists families to reunite with their loved ones. Often there are barriers to having families visit. Most of today’s prisons were built in an era when the public safety strategy was to “lock’em up and throw away the key.”

But now that there is a growing interest from the public to help incarcerated people succeed after release. Policymakers are revisiting the reality of the prison experience of that earlier era. We support families visiting and instilling love in their loved ones.


P.A.U.L. gives opportunities to share God’s love with our loved ones. We understand how destructive it is for the inmate to lose contact with family – recognizing that their families are often the main source of hope for people during their incarceration and the main source of support upon release.

We assist family members to keep in contact with their loved one and assist with letter writing from volunteers to your loved ones and other inmates in need of hope.


The mission is founded on the biblical conviction that all people are created in God’s image and that no life is beyond God’s reach.

We are merely servants in God’s ministry, devout Christians, serving God as the Holy Spirit directs us. We shared a passion to share the knowledge of the love, peace, and joy that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ can bring to their lives.


● Letter-writing – This is very important to the prisoners. They love receiving letters and often share them with other prisoners.

● Supporting Families with Encouragement – An occasional phone call to the families of those who are incarcerated or asking how they are doing when you see them are easy means of offering encouragement. It’s often the small gestures that are the most appreciated.

● Gas Cards – Studies find that just a single visit to a prisoner from a family member or a friend can make a big difference in whether or not a prisoner ends up back behind bars following their release. Often times though families don’t have the extra money to cover the cost of making that trip. The ability of P.A.U.L. to provide gas cards is a considerable help.

● Inmate Financial Support – Nothing is free in prison – even a piece of paper, a pencil, a phone call home all cost money. Some inmates do not have any financial support. Your generosity can help with this need.

● Food Boxes for Prisoners – Food boxes can be ordered through approved online distributors. If you would like to support an inmate in this way we can help with this process.


If you would like to become a prisoner pen pal, sponsor a prisoner, or if you have questions about the P.A.U.L. Support Group, contact the coordinator, Ana Cabrera or 616-212-6572. For more information visit us here: https://paulministrieshollandmi.org

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