Growth Communities


Growth Communities are groups that are larger in size and more formally established.  These are groups of 15-50 people who meet weekly for Bible study, discussion, fellowship, prayer, and service projects. Each group is a recurring adventure into community, faith, and life – thinking, loving, and serving like Jesus. Most groups meet regularly through the school year (September – April/May with a two-week break in December) and less regularly and more informally throughout the summer.  All groups are open to new people joining in.

For more information on any of our Growth Communities, contact Lori or 796-3361.

​Sunday Morning Growth Communities

Friends in Christ
Sunday mornings, 10:55-11:55am
Meeting September 15 – December 15
Contact:  Judie Zylman
Room 167 in the adult wing

Friends in Christ is not age-specific and is made up of both couples and singles. This group is highly devoted to studying God’s Word through weekly Bible study. The group will be discussing two of Ray VanderLaan’s video-based studies. Beginning in September with the 5-week series Promised Land – living for God where culture is influenced followed by the 8-week series Life and Ministry of the Messiah – learning the faith of Jesus.

GAP (Gradually Aging People)
Sunday mornings, 10:45-11:45am
Meeting September 15 – December 15
Contact:  Laurie Boer
Green Room just inside Entrance D

GAP includes couples and singles, ages late-50s to 70-something. They meet following the Sunday morning worship service for fellowship and to discuss the sermon.

This is Us ~ Adventures In Family
Sunday mornings, 10:45-11:45am
Meeting September 15 – December 15
​​Contacts:  Doug and Jane Finn, Ron and Sue Hemmeke, Jeanne Lindell, Paul and Conni VandeBunte
Room 165-166 in the adult wing

This group thinks, loves, and serves together. Thinking – learning to apply God’s Word, His love, His grace in our families. Loving – each other, our families, our neighbors; fun, social events, and caring for one another through the joys and challenges of life. Serving – together in our community and our church.

​Sunday Night Growth Communities

Faith In Action
Monthly, select Sunday nights, 5:45-7:15pm
Meeting September 15 and 29 / October 13 and 27 / November 10 and 24 / December 8
Contacts:  Rich Herbig, Sherrie Wolthuis
Room 168-169 in the adult wing

This group’s focus is on studying and working to put their faith into action in our church, our community, our nation, and the world, seeking peace and biblical as well as social justice for all. This faith is based on the study of Jesus’ life and teachings as revealed in Scripture. The group is a mix of singles and couples who also enjoy times of fellowship. Faith in Action is always open and welcoming to new people joining them.

Loving God, Loving People
​Monthly, select Sunday nights, 5:45-7pm
Meeting September 15 and 29 / October 13 and 27 / November 10 and 24 / December 15
Contacts:  Mel and Bev Assink, Mary Lou Bogema, Bob and Marcia Gustavson, Dave and Sally Hoekstra, David and Mary Wierenga
Room 167 in the adult wing

Loving God, Loving People is a group of people (singles and couples) who love God, love each other, and strive to show that love to ALL; and ALL are welcome!  Besides a time of fellowship and caring for each other, we will have a video-based study for group discussion.  We also have a strong mission-mindedness for local and world missions.

Prime Time
Sunday nights, 5:45-7pm
Meeting September 15 – November 24
Contacts:  Vern and Eunie Jurgens, Leon and Louise Koops, Kathy Lubbers, Tom and Donna Tuls
Room 165-166 in the adult wing

Prime Time is a group of Christ-followers who enjoy sharing time together as they study the Word, pray, and serve one another as well as others. Their weekly meetings have varied programing:  Bible study, videos, game nights, special guests, potlucks, and preparation of service projects. This shared fellowship creates a loving, supportive group concerned about each other as they grow together in Christ’s love.  Whether single or married, you are welcome to join this group whenever you can.  Expect good food and fun times!

Mid-Week Growth Community

Diners Club
Wednesday nights, 5-6:45pm
Meeting September 11 – December 11
Contact:  Doris VanKooten
Room 165 in the adult wing (new room)

Diners Club participants represent various ages and  backgrounds. Diners Club meets until 6:45 to honor their members who have choir rehearsal. The group will be watching and discussing Max Lucado’s video-based study, You Are Never Alone – trust in the miracle of God’s presence and power.

Thursday Prayer for Men

Thursday Prayer for Men

Thursday mornings, 11am-Noon Meets year-round Contact: Ron Wolthuis Prayer Room off the Fireside Café Come and join us as we...
New Members Class

New Members Class

New Members Class Sunday mornings, 10:45-11:45am Meeting October 6, 13 and 20 Contact: Lynn White, Connections Coordinator Fireside Café off...
The Marriage Course

The Marriage Course

Wednesday nights, 6-7:30pm Meeting September 11 - October 23 Contact: Lynn White, Connections Coordinator Room 167 in the adult wing...
Go Local Workshop

Go Local Workshop

Wednesday nights, 6-6:45pm Meeting September 18 and 25, October 2 and 16 (not meeting October 9) Leader: Rev. Amy Schenkel,...
Immerse: Kingdoms Discussion Groups

Immerse: Kingdoms Discussion Groups

All Groups Are Open To Both Men And Women Immerse discussion groups are small groups of people, diverse in age...