Spring GriefShare group – At Freedom Village
Anyone in the community may join this group. Even if you do not live at Freedom Village – you are welcome!
Monday afternoons, 1:00-3:00pm
Meeting April 7 – July 7 (not meeting on May 26, Memorial Day)
Facilitators: Glenda Vetter, Beth Jepson, Sally Taylor
Freedom Village, Michigan Room, First Floor West
Have you experienced the loss of someone close to you and are you walking the lonely road of grief? Please join us! Don’t suffer through your grief alone. In a GriefShare group you’ll find a warm and caring environment offering you support and encouragement as you journey through your grief process. For more information or to sign-up, contact Lori or 796-3361. Feel free to invite family or friends to join you! (Participant Guide: $20)
Register to attend the Monday afternoon group here: GriefShare – At Freedom Village