EldersThis is an optional description that can be placed on any image.Here is another optional description that can be placed on any image.Lead Elders Lead Elder John Auwema Lead Elder Scott Cramer Lead Elder Nick DeVries Lead Elder Terry Edewaard Lead Elder Jayne Macomber Lead Elder Brad Prince Lead Elder Mike Smeenge Lead Elder DeLynn Unema Lead Elder Conni VandeBunte Lead Elder Ryan Venhuizen Lead Elder Ron Wolthuis Care & Connection Elders Care & Connection Elder Shelly Arnold Care & Connection Elder Jill Breuker Care & Connection Elder Marlene Holstine Care & Connection Elder Ruby Kickert Care & Connection Elder Jeanne Lindell Care & Connection Elder Karen Ophoff Care & Connection Elder Barb Poppe Care & Connection Elder Bonnie VanDam Care & Connection Elder Terry VanderLee ContactStaff NameMinistry Title