The food pantry located in our church is in urgent need of the following items: gift cards for purchasing meat, Hamburger Helper, canned fruit, applesauce, cooking oil, rice, rice mixes, and dish and laundry soap.
Please consider shopping for items on a list that can be found at the Missions Kiosk or the Information Center. Return them to the shopping cart near the collection center in the mixing area. Gift cards to Meijer and Aldi are also accepted and can be turned in at the Info Center or the church office. Those in our community who find themselves in dire situations truly do benefit from this ministry!
At Doors of Hope, we believe that a personal catastrophe, crisis living, poverty or homelessness should not define an individual or their future. We empower individuals with practical life skills, resources, and support, as they journey through opened doors of restored dignity, confidence, and hope.
Doors of Hope exists to walk alongside those who are struggling, in whatever capacity they need: (financial, relational, emotional, and spiritual). They work to provide guidance and tools to help people break out of life-controlling cycles and move from “just surviving” to thriving in their lives. Their vision is to show the love of Jesus to those who are often overlooked and marginalized by society and they provide a safe and accepting space for individuals to learn and grow into who God designed them to be.
If you would like more information about becoming involved with this ministry, please contact us.