Dementia Caregivers Support Group


Monthly, second Thursday afternoons, 3-4pm
Facilitator: Alyssa Langejans, Evergreen Commons Caregiver Support Coordinator
Green Room just inside Entrance D

If you or someone you know has a loved one with dementia or cares for someone with dementia, please join us. Here are upcoming topics we will be discussing:

  • February 13 – Winter Caregiver Safety: Tips to help get you through the logistics of caring through the winter.
  • March 13 – The Caregiving Years: An outline for a journey ahead that is full of unknowns.
  • April 10 – Stress Relief and Management: How to cope and manage stress as it is a natural by-product of caregiving.

We also offer the opportunity for individuals with specific concerns or needs to connect one-on-one with an Evergreen Commons Dementia Support Specialist. For more information on the support group or to be connected with a specialist, contact Melissa Langworthy or 796-3346.

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