The church is growing in many parts of Latin America and Christian leaders are hungry for training. They are seeking to grow as leaders rooted in Scripture, responsive to their contexts, and faithful in their care of the people of God. The Biblical Seminary of Colombia seeks to provide high quality theological education for the church in Colombia and Latin America, striving to form men and women who will serve God, the church, and society.
The seminary is situated in a busy working-class quarter of Medellín, Colombia. The neighborhood sounds are a friendly presence, inviting you into the community with busy street vendors, upbeat music, and bustling buses. Many of the seminary students come from families such as those that live in this neighborhood-hardworking and determined but often strained for financial resources.
Andrew Fields serves as a professor of Bible and theology and coordinator of field education at the seminary, while Amy devotes her expertise to the seminary’s library, where she seeks to expand access to quality materials for theological formation. Andrew and Amy both also enjoy mentoring students and welcoming them in their home. They have two lovely children, Irene and Amos.
Website: www.rca.org/fields
or Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fieldsincolombia
Mailing address:
Reformed Church in America
Attn: Global Mission
4500 60th St. SE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49512