(Updated February 20)
THIS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23 IN CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN LIFE ISSUES (CCLI): “Nothing on Earth: Finding Contentment in a World of Comparison” presented by Rev. Dr. Nathan Hart, Hope College Hinga-Boersma Dean of the Chapel. The full line-up of speakers for the winter session can be found here and at the Discipleship Kiosk.
LEAD ELDERS LISTEN will take place this Sunday, February 23 after the service in the Fireside Café.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT SUPPERS from 5-6pm in the Gathering Place. Menu: spaghetti and meatballs.
FEBRUARY PRAYER EVENT: Come to the chapel on Thursday, February 20, at 6:30pm for the monthly prayer event.
GUYS NIGHT OUT—”BROTHERS IN SPIRIT”: All men are invited to a monthly gathering for dinner (bring your wallet) and fellowship on the fourth Tuesday. First meeting: Thursday, February 27, 6pm, Saugatuck Brewing Company & Eatery. While food and drinks will be available, the main focus will be bonding as “brothers in Christ.” Meet at the CMC bus garage at 5:30pm to carpool. RSVP to your “brothers in Christ” Brad Laninga (Chief Foodie) or Doug Finn (Bus Driver).
VBS PLANS FOR JUNE 16-20: Alongside the traditional VBS, plans are in the works to add one infused with performing arts which would create potential to reach hundreds of kids in our area with a lasting impact. If you are musically, vocally, or theatrically talented and would like to be a part of this exciting experiment, reach out to Rachel at rachelh@christmemorial.org.
PANCAKE DAY: Partner with us on Tuesday, March 4, from 5-7pm for an outreach event for Pancake Day to share a meal and teach our kids and community about lent. There will be games and activities for kids and families to engage in. Reach out to Rachel or visit the kiosk to be a part of this impactful event!
STARTING MARCH 9: A GOSPEL-CENTERED PARENTING CLASS meeting Sundays, March 9–May 25, 10:45-11:45am, Room 164. For parents with children of all ages, this study will center on the implications of the gospel in raising kids. Instead of focusing on how to perform better as a parent, we’ll discuss being a parent who lives and acts out of grace and faith in God. Interested? Contact Rachel.
INVITE SOMEONE! We have two great adult class offerings starting in March that are good for people searching for faith, new to faith in Jesus, or just in need of fresh encouragement. Pick up the flyer for Christianity Explored / Hope Explored at the Discipleship Kiosk and invite them!
STARTING MARCH 9: CHRISTIANITY EXPLORED: One life. What’s it all about? Christianity Explored gives you time and space to think about the big questions of life and to explore the life of the person at the heart of the Christian faith – Jesus Christ. Discover the real Jesus on this 7-week journey through the Gospel of Mark. Sundays, March 9-May 4, 10:45-11:45am, Room 162-163. Sign up at the Discipleship Kiosk or by contacting Lori.
HOPE EXPLORED: Join Pastor Suzanne Wednesdays, March 19– April 2 (6-7:30pm / Room 162-163) for this three-session series about how Jesus fulfills our deep longings for hope, peace, and purpose. If you are discovering the hope of Jesus for the first time, this class is for you! But even if you are a long-time believer, come with an open heart and find encouragement. Sign up at the Discipleship Kiosk or by contacting Lori.
A WEDNESDAY NIGHT IMMERSE PROPHETS DISCUSSION GROUP begins on March 12, 5:45-6:45pm, in Room 164. Focusing on the prophetic books of the Old Testament, the readings/discussion will focus on 15 prophets across 4 historical periods, including Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. Contact Lori or call 796-3361 for the book ($10) and the advance reading assignment for the first class.
MOVIE NIGHT! THE CHOSEN – SEASON ONE, WEEKLY WATCH PARTY MEETS ON WEDNESDAYS through March 12, 6-7:30pm, Room 167. Based on the life of Jesus, The Chosen shares an authentic and intimate look at his life and teachings. After each episode there will be an informal time of discussion led by Pastor Suzanne. You can just show up for this! Attend when you can.
JESUS ENCOUNTERS – JOIN ANYTIME! Each week a personal story of an encounter with Jesus is shared. Come and be encouraged by how God is at work. Sundays, 10:45-11:45am in the Prayer Room. Facilitated by Scott Cramer. For more information or to schedule a time to share, contact Scott (cramer5@charter.net or 616-836-3390).
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH 8TH DAY FARMS, CMC IS COMPOSTING discarded food and paper goods. Our Paper Gator funds help finance this program but don’t fully cover the cost. Support this effort three ways: Donate to help support the composting program, bring your own reusable coffee cup to church, and/or assist with the program by joining CMC’s Earthkeepers Composting Crew on Mondays 9am or Wednesdays 5pm. Contact Al VerSchure or Jen VerHelst.
This page is a full resource of all the announcements listed in the bulletin and e-news so you don’t miss a thing! You may receive more information regarding specific classes pertaining to children, youth & adults if you go to their respective web pages.