(Updated March 21)
Lenten Devotional can be downloaded HERE.
We believe God is calling us to be REAL in our Relationships! Our close relationship with Jesus calls us to be in close relationships with each other. Real relationships flourish when we share our struggles, joys, and faith openly and foster an authentic environ ment of trust and accountability that reflects the love and servanthood of Jesus. What will we do to deepen our relationships today?
ROOTED in Christ.
REAL in relationships.
REACHING out to all in Jesus’ name.
THIS SUNDAY (March 23)
LEAD ELDERS LISTEN will take place TODAY after the service in the Fireside Café.
CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN LIFE ISSUES (CCLI): “IS TRAVEL SUCH A GOOD THING?”: Part One of this series is presented by Rev. Dr. Douglas Brouwer, author and retired Presbyterian minister. 10:50-11:50am in the Chapel.
YOU CAN JUST SHOW UP FOR THE GOSPEL-CENTERED PARENTING CLASS: Meeting Sundays, 10:45-11:45am, Room 164 (adult wing). For parents with children of all ages.
CHECK OUT JESUS ENCOUNTERS: God is at work in and through people on a daily basis. Come and be encouraged by some of those personal stories. This Sunday, 10:45-11:45am in the Prayer Room. Facilitated by Scott Cramer.
POTTER’S CLAY BIBLE STUDY: Sundays, 10:45-11:45am in Room 169. The group is studying several Old and New Testament passages regarding the Kingdom of God.
ALL 2025 ADULT WINTER CLASS AND GROUP OPPORTUNITIES: Visit the Discipleship Kiosk to see them all.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT SUPPER: Join us for bowtie chicken alfredo between 5-6pm!
YOUTH GROUPS: All youth are invited to attend weekly in the youth center. 5th-8th grade students gather on Wednesdays from 6-7:30pm. Come at 5pm for our complimentary dinner in the Gathering Place! High Schoolers meet for their last time of the season tonight, Sunday, March 23, 6-7:30pm.
“GUYS NIGHT OUT” : All CMC men are invited to a monthly gathering for food and fellowship (bring your wallet) on the fourth Thursday of the month. THIS Thursday, March 27, at 6pm, we’ll meet at The Trestle Stop in Hamilton. Please notify Doug Finn (616-283-0545), Brad Laninga (brad.laninga@gmail.com), or Paul VandeBunte (paulvandebunte63@gmail.com) if you plan to attend. Want to hop on the church bus? RSVP to Doug Finn and meet at the CMC Stable (corner of 24th & Graafschap) at 5:30pm.
SUMMER YOUTH TRIPS – REGISTRATION DEADLINE EXTENDED: The two trips to Pittsburgh, PA, and Jamaica still have open spots. Find flyers at the Info Center or go HERE for more info and to register. Register by Sunday, March 30.
SIGN UP BEGINS TODAY FOR DEVOTED, THE WEDNESDAY MORNING WOW SPRING STUDY FOR WOMEN. Meeting April 16-May 28, 9:30-11am, in Room 167. Stop by the Adult Discipleship Kiosk for more information and to signup.
SPARK WILL BE VISITING FREEDOM VILLAGE AND APPLEDORN: We will be passing out baked goodies to congregants on Wednesday, April 2nd. If you would like to support by making baked goods, please bring them to the office by 3pm on that day.
GRIEVING OVER THE LOSS OF SOMEONE CLOSE TO YOU? In a GriefShare group, you’ll find a warm and caring environment offering you support and encouragement as you journey through your grief. A new GriefShare group begins Monday, April 7-July 7 from 1- 3pm at Freedom Village. For more information and to sign up, contact Lori. This group is open to anyone in the community.
THE CHOSEN – SEASON TWO, WATCH PARTY: Come meet Jesus! Whether you’re a fan or this is new to you, join us! Wednesdays, April 16-June 11, 6-7:30pm, Room 167. Dessert provided! Sign up at the Discipleship Kiosk.
JOIN US FOR EASTER EGG-STRAVAGANZA!: This is a community event aimed at teaching about Easter on Wednesday, April 9, from 5-7pm. Dinner will be provided, and families will travel the
CREATION BALLET: Please make your plans to attend one of two services on Sunday, March 30, featuring the CMC Dance Ministry as they share the creation story entitled, “The Story of Creation,” written and directed by Emma DeVries. Services will be held at 9:30am and 4:00pm. A love offering will be received at 4:00pm to cover production costs.
CHRISTIAN ARTIST DANNY GOKEY IS COMING TO CMC: The concert is Saturday, April 26th! If you’d like to purchase tickets, be sure to do so at the church office to avoid online fees. MANY VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! Please consider volunteering and enjoy the concert for FREE! Signup at the front office or contact Bri at brid@christmemorial.org.
LEAD PASTOR SEARCH UPDATE: “Thank you, CMC Congregants, for submitting name suggestions to populate the Lead Pastor Search Team. The lead elders are praying over the list and seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance in selecting a true cross section of members to seek out who our Lord is directing us to serve as our future lead pastor. Join us in prayer for the willingness of team members to feel their calling to this task.”—Nick deVries, lead elder
This page is a full resource of all the announcements listed in the bulletin and e-news so you don’t miss a thing! You may receive more information regarding specific classes pertaining to children, youth & adults if you go to their respective web pages.