Mr. & Mrs. Maynard Bakker;
Herman & Mary Lou
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Bear
Mr. & Mrs. William Becksford; Jerry,
Sharon, Dale, Gloria
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Borr
Mrs. Mabel Boss
Dr. & Mrs. Richard De Loof
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Den Uyl; JoAnne,
David, Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Russel De Vette; Christi,
Lynn, Joel
Jack M. & Jerry H. Hamelink
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hoek, Steven, Mary
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hooker; Byron &
Roger Van Oss
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Houting; Lynn
Mr. Ronald Israels
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Jacobusse; Linda,
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Jurries; Nola, Beth,
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Kammeraad; Judy,
Mr. & Mrs. Lester Klassen
Mr. & Mrs. James Klomparens; Paul
Mrs. Frieda Kruid; Karen
Mr. & Mrs. John Kruid; Linda, Ricky
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Kuiper; Edward,
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Langenberg; Robert,
Mary, Timothy
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Leys; Lorraine,
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lokker
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Mellema; Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Meyer; Ted, Mary,
Linda, Jack
Mr. & Mrs. Irvin D. Mokma
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Northouse
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Oonk; Dwayne,
Ross, Scott
Mr. Merle Pointer
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Post, Jr.; Mary,
Ernest, Jon
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Riksen; Maxine,
Annabelle, Rosemary, Michael
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Robinson
Mrs. Marie Saunders; Robert
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Scholten; Gary,
Cheryl, Sally, Nancy, Carol
Mr. & Mrs. Gerrit Schrotenboer; Dale,
Mr. & Mrs. William Slagh; Michael,
Kevin, Laurel
Mr. & Mrs. George Slikkers; Kerry,
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Snyder; Dennis,
Marlene, Janice, David
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Stahel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Steketee
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Stroop
Mr. & Mrs. Rodger Stroop; Doyle,
Kenton, Mark, Marlin, Sheldon
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Vanden Bosch; Sheryl,
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Vander West; Edward,
Mr. & Mrs. Albertus Van Dyke
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Vande Vusse;
David, Frederick, Joan
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Van Lente; Jeremy,
Brian, Craig, Douglas
Mr. & Mrs. Chester Van Liere; Dennis,
Robert, Mark
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Veltman; Sandra,
Mr. & Mrs. Maynard Weighmink, Del
Wayne, Sandra
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Wierda; Mary, Nancy
Mrs. Gary Windemuller
Mrs. Reka Wolters; Richard, Rose



Early Beginnings

Montello Park School 1957

The First Pastor

The First Sanctuary

Significant Growth

Rev. Mulder Returns

Rev. Timothy Brown

A New Sanctuary

A Time of Transition