Agape Circle


Praying the Psalms
Monthly, second Tuesday nights, 7:00-9:00pm
Meeting January – June; January 14, February 11, March 11, April 8, May 13, and June 10
Coordinators:  Kathy Lubbers, Kathy VanDerHulst
Fireside Café off the Gathering Place

Joy, anger, distress, hope, trust – these are some of our heart cries to God. And they are also feelings that are expressed in the Psalms. Agape Circle will continue in their study and discussion of Praying the Psalms, a Lifeguide Bible Study Guide. Author Juanita Ryan has designed this study to help participants learn how to openly express the full range of their emotions to God and allow Him to meet those needs. Each lesson in the study guide includes a brief introduction, questions for group discussion, and at home study questions for deeper reflection. (Study Guide: $8)  For more information or to sign up, contact Lori  or 796-3361.  

The Chosen – Season Two, Weekly Watch Party

The Chosen – Season Two, Weekly Watch Party

Wednesday nights, 6:00-7:30pm Meeting April 16 - June 11 (not meeting May 7) Facilitator: Pastor Suzanne Hart Room 167 in...
Gospel-Centered Parenting

Gospel-Centered Parenting

Sunday mornings, 10:45-11:45am Meeting March 9 - May 25 (not meeting April 20, Easter or May 11, Mother’s Day) Leader:...
Jesus Encounters

Jesus Encounters

Sunday mornings, 10:45-11:45am Meets weekly through March 30, attend when you can! Facilitator: Scott Cramer Prayer Room off the Fireside...
Hope Explored

Hope Explored

Hope Explored Wednesday nights, 6:00-7:30pm Meeting March 19 - April 2 Leader: Pastor Suzanne Hart Room 162-163 in the adult...
Thursday Prayer for Men

Thursday Prayer for Men

Thursday mornings, 11am-Noon Meets year-round, except for holidays Contact: Ron Wolthuis Prayer Room off the Fireside Café Come and join...