

KIDS HOPE USA: A teacher describes a student in her class. “She struggles with friendships…worries about her parents fighting and splitting up…could use a stable, positive role model.” Mentors are needed at our neighborhood school! One hour a week! Contact Carrie Homkes for more information.

PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE Pantry needs for September: ketchup (14 oz) and mustard. Drop these items in the basket in the collection center in the mixing area.


WEDNESDAY NIGHT SUPPER:  5-6pm, in the Gathering Place. Menu for September 18: burgers.

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING:  Sunday, September 22 at 3pm in the Chapel to review the updated CMC Bylaws.

LEAD ELDERS LISTEN: Sunday, September 22 after the morning service in the Fireside Café.

FALL YOUTH BANQUET FUNDRAISER SIGN-UPS: Stop by Kiosk #3 and register to attend the youth banquet fundraising dinner on Sunday, October 6, at 5:30pm in the Gathering Place. A complimentary dinner will be served, and students who participated in the five summer trips will share their stories. All are welcome and encouraged to attend! For more info, contact Doris


WATCH OUR 9:30AM CLASSIC WORSHIP SERVICES on TV on Wednesdays at 3pm, Saturdays at 8am, and Sundays at 5:30pm on Holland
Public Channel (Comcast 24-916 and AT&T U-verse 99). You can watch
both services live via Facebook every Sunday or online at any time here online.

LARGE PRINT SONG SHEETS AND BIBLES, AND SPANISH AND ENGLISH BIBLES are available at the info center in the lobby. También tenemos disponibles Biblias en Español en el centro de info.


NEW MEMBERS CLASS: If you would like more information about joining CMC, plan to attend the New Members Class on Sunday, October 6, immediately following worship in the Adult Wing. Email Lynn White with questions (or call 616-796-3362).

FALL YOUTH BANQUET FUNDRAISER SIGN-UPS: Stop by Kiosk #3 and register to attend the youth banquet fundraising dinner on Sunday, October 6, at 5:30pm in the Gathering Place. A complimentary dinner will be served, and students who participated in the five summer trips will share their stories. All are welcome and encouraged to attend! For more info, contact Doris


MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH REGISTRATION: Visit the youth page and register your student(s) for fall programming on Wednesday and Sunday evenings. More details may also be found there.


CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN LIFE ISSUES (CCLI) meets weekly on Sundays in the Chapel, 10:50-11:50am. This Sunday, September 15: “America’s Wake-Up Call” presented by Dr. John A. Bernbaum. The full line-up of speakers for the fall session can be found at the Discipleship Kiosk. Each week we host a new speaker focusing on current and relevant faith and justice issues affecting our community, nation, and world! To attend virtually, email Lori by Thursday in order to receive the YouTube link for that week’s presentation.

THE GO LOCAL WORKSHOP (Four weeks) begins this Wednesday, September 18 –  meeting in the Chapel from 6-6:45pm. There is still room for you to attend! Come and discover how you can be a witness for Christ right where God has placed you. Meeting Wednesdays, September 18 and 25, October 2 and 16, 6-6:45pm. Email Lori with questions or call 616-796-3361.

YOU MAY JUST SHOW UP to any of the groups or classes starting Sunday, September 15 – 10:45am: Friends in Christ (Room 167), This is Us (165-166), Potter’s Clay (168), GAP (Green Room), Immerse-Kingdoms Discussion Group (164), CCLI (Chapel). 5:45pm: Loving God Loving People (167), Prime Time (165-166), Faith in Action (169).

GRIEFSHARE: Are you, or someone you know, in the throes of grief over the loss of a friend or loved one? GRIEFSHARE remains open to anyone in need. The group meets on Mondays through December 2, 6:30-8:30pm at CMC in Room 169 (adult wing). You’ll find a warm and caring environment offering you support and encouragement. GriefShare brochures are at the Care Kiosk. Contact Lori with questions or call 616-796-3361.

EARTHKEEPERS ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY CLEAN-UP: Saturday, September 28, 8:30am-Noon. Meet at the Chicago Drive Burger King in Zeeland. Questions or to sign-up contact Jen VerHelst (616 822-9794) or Al VerSchure.

ALPHA: A place to connect with others who are open to exploring life, faith, and meaning. Meeting Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm. Each session includes a short talk on an element of the Christian faith, and then discussion where everyone has the opportunity to share their own questions with the group. Email Lynn White with questions (or call 616-796-3362).

MID-WEEK IMMERSE KINGDOMS DISCUSSION GROUPS: Tuesdays, 10-11am (Green Room) led by Mary Kay Schoon and Nancy Wagner. Wednesdays, 5:45-6:45 pm (Room 164) led by Glenn Wagner. (Non-group members: A limited number of Immerse Kingdoms books will be available for purchase in early October. We are not reserving books in advance. When announced sales will be on a first come, first serve basis.)