Wed. Morning Spring WOW (167)


Devoted – 30 Days with Women of the Bible
Wednesday mornings, 9:30-11:00am
Meeting April 16 – May 28 (introduction and 6 week study)
Contact: Marylin Bright
Room 167 in the adult wing

All women are invited to gather on Wednesday, April 16 for a time of fellowship, an Easter devotion led by Rev. Judy Nelson, singing, and an introduction to the Spring WOW study, Devoted. We’ll meet from 9:30-11am in Room 167. Study guides will be distributed on this date. To ensure materials are available for you please RSVP by April 7 to Lori or 796-3361.   The 6-week study will meet April 23-May 28. (You can still be part of the study even if you are unable to attend the introduction on April 16.)

Using the Devoted study guide we’ll learn more about thirty women from Scripture whose lives continue to inspire generations in their faith and devotion to God. While each woman is unique, they all have one thing in common – a life interwoven with God’s story of redemption. Their stories are a reminder that you, too, are made in the image of God, and you have an important part to play in God’s story! Women of all ages are invited to join us in this study that includes discussion and 30 days of personal study (5 days per week). (Study Guide:  $15) For more information or to sign up, contact Lori or 796-3361.  

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