3Sixty Ministry

3sixty’s mission is improve the quality of life in Holland’s “Eastcore” neighborhood (the east-central area of Holland) by connecting neighbors, sharing resources, and building community.
Connecting neighbors:

Getting to know your neighbors is hard. Pew Research found that 28% of Americans do not know any neighbors by name and 29% know only some neighbors by name. 3sixty supports residents to host events such as block parties and cleanup projects, which introduce neighbors while they participate in something they have in common. By connecting neighbors, 3sixty believes more Eastcore residents will contribute to making Holland a better place for everyone.

Sharing resources:

3sixty believes that our neighborhood is full of assets that we can use to address the problems we see. When neighbors connect, they begin to care for each other using their unique gifts and resources. We also believe that sometimes people need new resources to make the most of what they already have. Over the years 3sixty has created new resources such as their Tool Lending Library and 3sixty Hub Community Center to meet needs identified by neighbors.

Building community:

We all want to love where we live, but can’t do the work alone. 3sixty believes that sustainable neighborhood improvements will only happen if Eastcore residents take ownership of restoring our community. 3sixty supports the resident leaders and congregations in Eastcore to improve where they live as neighbors and as brothers and sisters in Christ.

3Sixty Website

If you would like more information about becoming involved with this ministry, please contact Deanna OonkChrist Memorial Church Ministry Coordinator.